Scrapbook Challenge

You Do You

Tropical Colors, Rub-Ons And Mixed Media

Hi scrappers! This week I delved into my stash of scraps. In fact, all papers on this page except for the background paper were all scraps. I used a selfie I took on a Hawaii trip several years back because I liked how the water looked with the teal background paper.

The background paper I used is from the Rock Out Bro stack by Prima. I liked the fun combo of bright yellow on teal and the pattern in subtle enough that I could mix it with other patterned papers without it looking too crazy. The page was actually based around the palm tree tag from the Vicki Boutin Sweet Rush collection and I pulled patterned paper scraps I thought would work with it. I especially like the little sea turtle patterned pieces. I mixed in some rub ons by Aall & Create, cutting them into smaller pieces to scatter around the page. I also used a stencil by the same brand with some Vickie Boutin texture paste in BlueBerry Sour. I finished with some chipboard stickers by Carta Bella since they were the perfect summer embellishments!

This page was created using sketch 382 over at A Cherry on Top. This was the perfect page to use up some little paper scraps. Since I didn’t have a scrap piece of paper wide enough to go behind my photo, I used three different strips side by side.

This page was also made for this month’s Video Game Challenge. This month, the inspiration pic is Mario Kart. I used all five colors on my page.

This is my first time creating in a challenge hosted by Counterfeit Kit. I love the concept of this challenge! They choose a collection every month and challenge you to use comparable items you already have in your stash to make a project with a similar feel. I love the summery feel and bright colors of this 49 and Market collection. I pulled a bunch of items from my own stash as seen below, although I didn’t even end up using most of what I pulled. This was made specifically for challenge #2, Color Explosion, which I think I definitely achieved. There are so many colors on my layout!

That’s all for this week. Thanks for playing along and I will see you soon for another summer-inspired page!