Scrapbook Challenge


Animal Prints And Paw Prints


Greetings scrappers and welcome to 2021! I hope you all made it through last year relatively unscathed. It was a doozy!

This page pictures my kitty Jupiter in her natural state: comfy and sleepy. The “Spoiled” sticker from The Paper Studio pretty much sums it up.


I started with some yellow tiger print paper from DCWV’s Gone Wild stack. I tore a a strip out of the paper and matted the rest on some gray cardstock. I used some cat washi tape across the torn out section and cute out a few as embellishments as well. Circle punches of various sizes and paw print stickers make up this simple but whimsical page.

#451 Jan 1 2021 Shawn Lahr.jpg

I was a guest designer over at Sketches in Thyme for the month of January. Go check out their site! I used their sketch complete with the torn out section and circles. I used a large dinner plate and traced its outline and then followed that outline with paw print stickers.


Check out the color palette I created using the Coolors phone app that I used for this page. It’s a great tool if you’re looking for some color inspiration!

That’s all for now. Thanks for visiting my first post of 2021!